About us

Regional Center for Socio-Economic Development – Banat (RDA BANAT) is a regional development institution, accredited on 12.10.2011. by the Serbian Development Agency (formerly National Agency for Regional Development), in accordance with the Law on Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia.
Working on the promotion of the region as well as its development, RDA BANAT, in partnership with the founders and all relevant institutions, since its founding (2002) to date, has implemented over 100 projects financed from international and domestic sources of funding and attracted more than 20 millions of euro.
With the vision that ‘Banat belongs to a group of developed European regions’ our role is:
Determining key priorities for Banat development;
Support to local governments in strategic planning, positioning and improvement of technical and logistical capacities for realization of local development programs and provision of services;
Promoting and strengthening the institutional framework for the development of MSMEs and entrepreneurs in the region;
Identification, preparation and implementation of projects that contribute to infrastructure development, strengthen business and human resources and help the region become more innovative
The future of RDA BANAT development lies in an educated and motivated executive team that has developed into a team of great capacities and competencies in the previous period.