
Business Support department
The potential of micro, small, medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in conducting an economic activity is stimulated through the realization of the annual operational plans of the business support department, with the overall aim to strengthen the overall economic activity in Banat.
Specific objectives pursued by the RCR Banat within the business support department are:
Supporting MSMEPA in improving resource efficiency,
Support to the development of the MSMEP sector working in agriculture and production,
Promoting an economy based on knowledge and innovation,
Attracting investors to the region.
All services intended for the MSMEP sector are part of both national and provincial development programs, and are implemented through individual activities / projects financed by domestic and foreign funds.
Most of the regular activities in the field of support for the development of the MSMEP in Banat are carried out in partnership with the Serbian Development Agency (RAS) and are intended for newly established and existing MSMEs. A standardized set of services for MSMEs (SSUs for MSMEs), implemented by RDA Banat in partnership with RAS, includes five types of services, which are free of charge and include information, training, consulting, promotions and mentoring.
Regional development and projects department
- Implementation of regional development policy and coordination of development activities in the region;
- Representation of interests and representation of Banat at national and international level;
- Establishment of international, cross-border, inter-municipal and cross-sectoral cooperation;
- Preparation of local and regional strategic development documents and plans;
- Harmonization of project proposals with interests of local self-governments in Banat area;
- Initiating and coordinating the process of prioritizing projects of local and regional importance;
- Finding adequate funding sources for project implementation;
- Identification, preparation and implementation of projects;
- Participation in working groups established within national and international programs;
- Establishment and improvement of cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations at national and international level;
- Conduct research, analysis and study in accordance with the needs of the region;
- Support the development of existing and establishment of new regional entities;
- Organizing and implementing professional development programs in the field of strategic planning and project preparation and implementation.
Finance and IT department
The role of the financial sector is evolving in several directions in line with contemporary global trends. One of the most important role is to collect, concentrate, allocate funds, then properly operate the payment system, allocate funds and efficiently transfer real-time operations and operation of the RDA. The sector, as one of the pillars of the RDA, represents logistical and technical support to other sectors with which in synergy it makes the compact whole on which all work is based.
Within the sector, accounting related activities are carried out and all necessary actions are carried out in cooperation with the licensed accounting agency in accordance with the Law on Accounting and Auditing.
The role of the information technology sector is reflected in the collection, analysis and processing of information about the Banat region, as well as their presentation to the population, small and medium-sized enterprises and all interested parties, through the portal www.banat.rs and through other electronic and print media.
In addition to regular technical support to all sectors, special attention is paid to the development of e-government systems as well as the development of mechanisms for more efficient preparation and monitoring of projects.
The sector is developing software applications based on the latest technologies that enable employees to work faster and more efficiently with the ability to control results more transparently and efficiently (MyProject, System 48, Electronic Voting, E-government, internal communications applications, and data collection and analysis applications for needs of projects in which RDA Banat participates).
Finance and IT department, in cooperation with other sectors, actively participates in the preparation and implementation of projects that directly contribute to the improvement of socio-economic opportunities in Banat and beyond.
Within its regular activities, the sector also conducts training in the field of IT application in economy and agriculture, training in the field of e-business and training in the use of IT in business.