SMILE PLUS – FirSt and last Mile Inter-modal mobiLity in congested urban arEas of Adrion Region PLUS SMILE PLUS intends to update the mobility scenarios, including the exogenous factor COVID-19, as support to new transport policies. It will allow experts and policy makers to understand the current modifications in modal share and how it is affecting the mobility scenarios of the future. This project is co-financed by Interreg ADRION programme. Project duration: 01. 01. 2022 – 30. 06. 2022 Project budget in EUR: 161.381,40 ERDF and IPA II funding in EUR: 137.174,17 ![]() About the project To become by 2050 world’s first carbon-neutral continent, EU has pledged to reduce by 90% the GHG in transport by 2050, as confirmed in Dec. 2020 by European Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. Unfortunately, the COVID 19 pandemic has pushed people’s modal choice in a opposite direction; suddenly, the need for social distancing has given a new centrality to individual transport based on car. As the circulating vehicles are largely still depending on fossil fuels the social re-evaluation of the use of car increases gas emissions and air pollutants, in a context where the transport sector is responsible for approx. ¼ of the global greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Due to many different factors, many ADRION regions/cities are hotspots for the described problems. In such a context, SMILE PLUS intends to update and spread the main tool resulting from ADRION project SMILE, namely the mobility scenarios as support to new transport policies in congested urban areas. ![]() Project Partners: Regional Development Centre Koper (SI) Iuav University of Venice (IT) Dubrovnik Development Agency DURA (HR) Regional Agency for Socio-Economic Development – Banat Ltd (RS) Associated partners: Zadar County Development Agency – ZADRA NOVA (HR) School centre Velenje (SI) |