SMILE PLUS video tutorial to design, use and update mobility scenarios and to teach how making the best use of EU transnational mobility planning tools – available on-line in 4 languages – for all potential users (policymakers, civil servants, transport operators and consultants).
SMILE PLUS video tutorial – YouTube

On the 14th of June 2022, lead partner Regional Development Centre Koper (Slovenia) in collaboration with all SMILE PLUS partners, organized a hybrid final dissemination event focused on the use of post-covid-19 mobility scenarios for transport planning set up in SMILE PLUS and on the role of European territorial cooperation promoting sustainable mobility and increasing cohesion. Project partners from SMILE project and SMILE PLUS project participated together with Interconnect project and other ETC beneficiaries. It was the occasion to capitalize, disseminate and promote the results of EU projects on sustainable mobility.
More information on SMILE PLUS FINAL DISSEMINATION EVENT – FirSt and last Mile Inter-modal mobiLity in congested urban arEas of Adrion Region (adrioninterreg.eu)

Local meeting and Dissemination event organized in Zrenjanin, Serbia
On the June 16th 2022, RDA Banat organized Local meeting and Dissemination event in Zrenjanin, Serbia within the project SMILE PLUS. Both event were organized in Hotel Vojvodina, as hybrid events, with the presence of stakeholders from different levels and sectors (national and local authorities, sectoral agencies, higher education institutions, local organizations, media, etc). More information on Local meeting and Dissemination event organized in Zrenjanin, Serbia – FirSt and last Mile Inter-modal mobiLity in congested urban arEas of Adrion Region (adrioninterreg.eu)

Promotional event of SMILE PLUS project in Dubrovnik (Croatia) As part of the SMILE PLUS project, a promotional event and meeting with local stakeholders was held at the premises of DURA on June 27, 2022. The event was opened by Tea Gjivić Puzović, project manager on behalf of the Dubrovnik Development Agency. More information on Promotional event of SMILE PLUS project in Dubrovnik (Croatia) – FirSt and last Mile Inter-modal mobiLity in congested urban arEas of Adrion Region (adrioninterreg.eu).